January 20, 2022
By Tammy Holt
I am a collector of curious things. I find dead insects (e.g., butterflies, moths, dragonflies, and praying mantis) on my trail walks. I, also, find feathers, flowers, leaves, and sticks; and keep them safe in a collector's box. My insect collection calls for another post (with pictures). Trust me, it will be worth the wait (for those who like bugs 😊).
This Collector's Edition, Vol.1, is about my beautiful perfume bottles.
I am a hippie, flower-power, earthy girl, who also likes all things shiny or sparkly. A wonderful paradox of sorts. So, collecting glitzy eye-catching perfume bottles came naturally. Many years ago, a dear friend mentioned that she collected them. I see why now and have been hooked ever since. I'm captivated by how they are made using hot molten glass (which comes from sand) and cool into clear delicate bubbles of prestige and dignity. They look like finely dressed little ladies sitting on my dresser. Transparent, with little to hide, they exude a luxurious attitude. As if to say, "I've been tried and refined by the fire. Look at me now!"
I love seeing my collection as I walk to my closet. When I think I'm satisfied with it, and couldn't possibly need another one...there she appears. I recently purchased a vintage Chanel bottle, only for the fashion and couture vibe (the scent, not so much). Some I purchased from antique stores, and have a few blessed finds from the Dollar Store. My collection ranges in color and price. But, out of all my bottles, I have a favorite-- my grandmother’s. It has a push ball diffuser to help distribute the scent. It must be squeezed ever so delicately in an old Hollywood glam kind of way. Even today, almost 50 years later, I can still smell her fragrance in the bottle.
With all the beauty of my bottles (some empty and some with remnants of fragrance), I can’t help but imagine what God’s bottle collection looks like.
Psalm 56:8 says God collects our tears in a bottle.
How precious our tears must be to Him. He knows all about our pain, and what we are going through here on this earth. If you have a tear-stained pillow, you are not alone; and, it's not in vain. Our tears are valued beyond measure. I know God has a whole lot of tear bottles collected from me and my earthly journey.
God is amazing. He knows the number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:7); has not forgotten even the sparrow (Luke 12:6); ensures the lilies of the field are arrayed in splendor (Matthew 6:28) ;and, collects our clear liquid tear droplets. This is a reminder that we are always on His mind, and He is with us (in the desert places and flooded out storm waters of life). Psalm 126:5 says, “those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.”
"Even if you are not ready for day, it cannot always be night" (excerpt from "Speech to the Young" by Gwendolyn Brooks). "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5).
Hold on soldier...
My collection of perfume bottles.
A close-up of the mini size perfume bottles. Aren't they cute?
Antique store finds, #1. I purchased the left one. I am still trying to resist the three beauties.
Antique store finds, #2. Wishlist items, the amethyst-colored one is calling my name!